
Unveil the romantic "love" space ten thousand times in bed

The lovemaking space here always makes many couples feel new and exciting. In the hot heat of summer days, just thinking about being close and intimate with someone is enough to make people feel bored and uninterested. Although many houses have air conditioners, but keep working in familiar spaces from winter to summer makes them lose their emotions. bat mi no space & # 34; love & # 34; The wandering gap spreads on the stupid school - 1 Try it once with this special "love" space (Artwork) There is a way to beat sweat and especially the new "love" space full of stimulation, not far away is the kitchen of your family. Avgle Sexologist Annabelle Knight shares with The Sun: "Bringing sex out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, this is very stimulating and especially better if both" love each other "in front of an open refrigerator." "Just open the refrigerator, it's basically nothing more

3 disastrous mistakes in "love story", 99% of sisters are curious but "stuck"

Did you know, vagina is not really wide when you have a baby, and our bodies will not always get orgasm. The vagina will get bigger after every busy time? Jav The vagina is a specially structured organ, with a very elastic nature, often referred to as a "lamp". Relaxed during childbirth, but returned to normal shape and size afterwards. So there is no story, after each birth, the vagina expands wider. However, in a few vaginal cases that relax too much at farrowing (long labor, large pregnancy, slow pregnancy ...) make the vagina difficult to return to normal size afterwards. Often this may be accompanied by signs of urination disorder. 3 years later in the year & # 34; love & # 34; 99% of the money you spend on "be tac" - 1 This is when women should perform exercises for the perineal area to keep the muscles in the vagina. This not only helps women retain their "style" in sex life but also enhances their health and quality of life. Every "fun

Doing "sex" at the moment just likes to be healthy and healthy

The doctor advised couples to do it during this time to get the best feeling and health. lam & # 34; transfer & # 34; At that time, I wanted to show off - 1 Jav Free The best time to have sex is in the morning (Artwork) Dr. Shahzadi, a researcher on hormonal factors affecting sexual desire, recently revealed to reporters the best time to have sex is in the morning. In a conversation with Daily Star Online, she said: The best time to have sex is in the morning. "At this point, both men and women have high levels of testosterone and the time when they have the strongest desire. Testosterone is a sex hormone or hormonal hormone in both men and women. It provides energy and alertness as well as increased sexual desire in both sexes. Cosplay Jav I advise couples to do it in the mornin